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发表于 2010-2-15 20:09 | 显示全部楼层 |阅读模式
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保险经纪:Jonathan Mu






本帖最后由 hijames 于 2015-8-31 21:04 编辑
3 J7 R8 g6 e) H. i! t
9 O# H' y+ }- a6 Z+ G; m: F8 l﹔﹔﹔
3 u; n6 n" v& T& o4 c# j4 Sゞゞゞ- A# }3 f6 t4 W& a/ N1 J0 T+ A0 s
) t1 y0 Z: c& V4 Rin process
& H, ?2 `" l) O7 h- a5 E
4 L+ f# d0 S4 T* |$ r3 N(一)接受及校对文件1 }3 Q6 j$ E2 _" P0 V4 X) k5 c8 E

' L6 w" Y0 h; u8 n0 U. s6 n大约等一个月左右,cic会给你建挡,网上显示in process  `# N/ g" r, u+ h! n

0 J5 \. o9 H1 N  q% ndetail:We received your application for permanent residence on xxxdate$ C/ E6 x4 A$ D- Q# w
  Z  `1 S* u2 b7 k1 v( }7 ]
大约3-4个月5 @1 |3 u0 ^/ i# u! R
detail:We started processing your application on xxxdate
1 C( G( G, d9 ]/ BApplication Received by Citizenship and Immigration Canada (CIC)
2 u; ?1 ^3 m* v/ V& c) kWe have received your application and will review it in order of receipt. We will send you an acknowledgement letter.
  ^9 Q9 n2 ^) m7 e$ T但这封信很多人都没收到,我也没收到过,不用太担心.
; n) t3 @/ t9 ], Q4 uDocumentation Verified by CIC
5 e% ]. a6 M" cWe are reviewing your application to make sure it is complete and that no documents are missing. We will return incomplete applications for resubmission.
  P; A' d8 O$ P4 e4 a
1 W2 g# }7 D. N+ _+ L现在只是看看你有没有少材料,不太注重材料的具体内容,如少材料,cic会发信告诉你具体补什么,但是建议最好在started processing前把材料补齐,如果被return for resubmission会耽误很多时间.1 E& B0 h8 f( S# ]6 C& X( e7 C
8 x; N& P/ }' {  L2 j& a
5 w% v- |8 b6 M3 d8 L4 w' [2 l detail:We received a letter from you on xxxdate.Thank you for providing the information. : I3 H) [6 \1 K1 _! j+ Z
材料齐全无信. , l) Y& A- ~" S' d
9 }* g4 t: H  |/ A5 e( F
4 F& P( T- J% x% N( K4 w, l# \ stage one 1 a7 ^/ Q; M, x0 `9 I
虽然写started processing,但实际上你的case并没有在开始审理,就是说cic还没有开始看你的材料的内容.(上面我提到过)4 v9 N: V  z3 p/ r

6 H/ E2 B* |; q 想查到什么时候cic会第一次看你的材料内容到这里. http://www.cic.gc.ca/english/dep ... ss-in.html#perm_res
6 Y7 V4 }+ v- q$ V  g4 J: L ; W5 R& k1 Q. j! y: m; q0 d8 i
# d# i3 P3 w2 ]- v$ \- X ) t. L8 `, x4 Z( {
Application Withdrawn
3 v' p+ Q* M! e, P You may only withdraw your application before the In-Canada Application for Permanent Resident Status decision has been made. There are no refunds after processing has started.
  I2 L6 h) }1 P' C# D3 |- j 1 W1 C: ~. _8 P& w# W* y) Y
审过以后,有两种情况/ F/ f, Y* u3 r" _$ B

4 I" Q8 j: c% ~1.所有材料齐全并没有问题,申请担保人符合资格,会发确定信给你,告诉你first stage of approval,这时候就要恭喜了,没有特殊情况,你的case基本没问题了.(cic会发信通知你)
$ [  A. Q4 V0 S. q, ?
6 j: T5 C5 t7 Z% qdetail:We sent you a letter on xxxdate to xxx,Canada, about approval in principle for you to become a Permanent Resident of Canada. If this address is not correct, please contact us. Thank you.
6 P, f! q& J' B  S' B  J8 \ 后转local
0 H0 v1 V+ K% x$ V3 _ 2 D6 V! w4 h2 H3 F, ]. d
approval这种情况下:! d* m5 A/ t& Z9 j2 L: L3 J4 K( y2 R/ ]

& `1 U0 P0 p: n' d9 m- n: S2 ~9 O0 B/ ostage two  f, X; N! v) l; H6 `9 [6 q
转local office做你的背景调查还有什么财产,税务之类的.
* Y) O# _7 [4 N' N- c现在用时是37days,网上经常会更新,http://www.cic.gc.ca/english/dep ... n.html#sponsorship)" R' f& p# \; L" M3 ~! h

3 y  a  f4 D$ u! C' }# x% r2.但是并是所有申请都会通过,这样你的file就会到local office,等待排期面试.
% B: I; r; T  N' ~
5 ~) v: P9 \5 h0 A1 V; _' ]detail:Interview scheduled for xxxdate& w5 [; g/ I& C- ~! w! ]" B

: O2 V& V) G5 A, i# JNot all cases receive “first stage of approval” at CPC Vegreville. Some files may be transferred to a local CIC office. This may add further delays to the overall processing time. An Interview May be Required+ I) H9 E: e4 U# m& A; ]
We will review the application and decide if an interview is necessary. If so, we will inform you in writing7 `+ S5 L8 ^6 O' C
of the date, time and location of the interview.
2 x% \9 w3 ]7 w# w$ p. F0 P) t! m) e
& B+ h9 U/ ~; _要求interview这种情况下:
# a& b, y$ t, g( j% f8 fanother stage two
5 J1 O! j$ u. N) j等cic信件,安排面试时间% N/ ]. O" k: S
+ C2 D9 }' I1 F( Q* C$ C  K* m4 ~1 X
从开始到现在,这中间会有一个Medical Results Received by CIC
6 o, P  x0 t: F. }2 q7 RWe have received your medical results. We will contact you only if additional tests are needed
* w$ W% N( F5 K+ T9 Mdetail: Medical results have been received. ( n. U. T! Y3 l* [* L- V
+ [  Y% A: e3 Z+ I: b0 |& O 1,approval情况下:
5 ~; h) r- f2 V+ E local调查完毕,MD : o  S+ g) n5 p7 b1 F
+ l" C5 ^; p& ]7 L8 ]- q* u We sent you a letter on xxxdate to xxx.Canada , about the decision on your application. If this address is not correct, please contact us. Thank you.  + l9 ]4 L& f! i$ ~
之后的2-4个星期,你会收到另一封信,有一个appointment叫你去拿移民visa,就是好多人一起,大家象发卷子一样,把visa发给你,但一定要个担保人同去.. k) m( X/ M5 Y% h
2, 约面试时间,
9 U& |, P  K0 Y; Q/ | a final decision will made at that time.- W5 x  l9 l  g8 O1 W3 ?6 H
3 D1 R# ?/ n! b: m% N- |" k( D+ k﹔﹔﹔
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