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Dr. Yan campaign 4‏









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发表于 2010-8-26 12:50 | 显示全部楼层 |阅读模式
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保险经纪:Jonathan Mu






The Contenders- Ward 6's Dr. Nathalie Xian Yi Yan " H  c  q0 a! R& [& H. H
7 t* B* q; v' s3 U

  c9 W; k, f' i( sDr. Nathalie Xian Ti Yan, is a doctor of traditional Chinese medicine and acupuncture. She's also a contender for Ward 6. She not a quitter, having run before in this ward. Welcome Nathalie to The Hamiltonian and best of luck in your campaign. Comments welcome.+ J2 b2 `' J% d& h6 O7 D5 t
0 S) ^0 H0 m9 x: s
1. What is your sense for the constituents in your ward’s, satisfaction with their current councilor? What do you bring to the table that differentiates you as a candidate? What will you do differently?
/ K( w. r6 |9 M& d5 L% w' c3 \
I feel that the constituents are satisfied with the incumbent. He has enjoyed a long and mutually beneficial relationship with the constituents of ward six.
3 m9 ~2 E9 \( p6 i' b  I# E/ m
' L6 T' A/ ~% }/ N( DWhat I bring to the equation is economic savvy that is global in scope. Hamilton’s economy is in dire straits. The Hamilton summit of 2008 painted an overly rosy picture to placate the citizens of Hamilton did not carry over to the summit of 2009.
2 }% V& F& f3 ?" E# o) C' w. Y4 g! S7 c2 U, V
We have the abilities, resources and potential, and the fact is that the economy is poor and the unemployment situation is pessimistic. That is where my strengths will be an asset.
" E( c- N  x7 o: v, }0 c8 D% W# I
2. Striking a balance between optimally representing your constituents, while also supporting initiatives that are for the common good of Hamilton, is a balance you will have to strike. How will you approach striking that balance? 7 p& p% V, c" x' |4 `# ~
& t# `: j% }  a0 v
I regard the overall good of Hamilton to be of primary importance to all good done for the city as a whole will benefit Ward 6 by association. 0 G; e7 H$ U9 d# o( Z. J) v. K
4 b0 p, X& g6 h  z
3 What has been one of your greatest challenges in life, what did you learn from that and what lessons might you leverage if you were to succeed in your bid to serve?
0 R0 }0 h: F- t1 v4 U# o9 {' j1 L
I arrived in Canada nine years ago with 3000 dollars and no friends and family. On the merit of my hard work and visualization, I conquered all barriers that came in my path. Most significantly, single handedly built a prosperous practice and business. + t. ?" R/ r! b0 w( j* V$ R

. X7 w+ _' }- \  [4. One of the criticisms often echoed on blogs and other media outlets, is the notion that council is “dysfunctional”. Do you agree with that assessment and what will you do to ensure a contribution to a smoother running council, if elected?
- j! h! c  F' c/ }+ B; \7 x. e) X1 u7 P8 q, M! ?  m
I don’t think that it is dysfunctional; I think it’s a matter of a disconnection. Ensure that Robert Rules are effectively enforced in sessions. When time is managed, the natural qualifications of each individual will be managed as well. " [8 @$ i( }% |: |* e

: c/ a* M2 z1 }2 @. x+ \) g2 ?- g" y5. Politicians necessarily must promote themselves to effectively campaign. Self promotion takes many shapes from an account of accomplishments and offerings, to a full tilt, sometimes over the top, exaggerated self congratulatory posture (which we are already seeing from some). Let’s park that type of rhetoric. Why are you running and why should Hamiltonians believe you? 9 |2 i2 g. R! v" K6 z/ @2 L

/ ]- @* q( }+ [- i1 M- _I was not born here. I was not schooled here. But I am already held accountable by Hamiltonians by virtue of the fact that I am a recipient of Distinguished Woman of the Year at 2006 and have been nominated 5 times in a row for Distinguished Citizen of the Year since 2005. Actions speak louder than words.$ G" k4 @! w. q
& T3 ~2 S% f6 o* S8 K/ u$ a
I will bring my abilities and vision to transform Hamilton into the economic global player it deserves to be. I am a force to be reckoned with. 0 Z3 {' f6 M& w; B6 W
+ ^" b9 T& |- o1 F" V3 ]# I
6. The Mayor represents one vote. However, a Mayor is considered the City’s leader. What would you look for in a Mayor and how will you demonstrate appropriate deference to that position?
$ c  r8 A: _3 R' f" U+ s4 K" P! F  d
The ideal mayor would have to know the value of leadership and team playing equally. Respect and courtesy always win the day.
3 O  }# K# p9 l3 S9 x1 {' T5 V9 g0 U6 ~2 r6 D
7. What are your views concerning the need for an Integrity Commissioner?
; L/ _% o( l7 ~9 ^7 @$ Q: ^: j% x
It should be a position of volunteerism and honour. Only a minor stipend should be involved. It should be a position that is applied for. A tribunal that consists of part government, part layperson, should be responsible for the selection of this person. - r7 u; U2 i5 ^1 L! O

- W# j5 J- ]- f8. How do you receive and process criticism?
$ y0 ~( R. I5 X
" o# \7 [0 N6 e7 ?I handle it very well. I absorb all the facts at hand, and make decisions in a balanced, fair and logical way. I never accept blame, but I always assume responsibility. ) e# T$ [1 j. u4 z1 w
# J# v% K& [9 I1 w$ Z" Q
9. How would you work with fellow councilors to gain support for your perspectives? What would be your guiding principles?
- h* d' I2 S9 Y, B; ?% W) x) p8 B$ l5 _4 U
That we share the common vision of an economically revitalized city. That we find more proactive ways to use the abundance of resources and talents at our disposal.6 [, U& ?" M9 j5 d+ ^" ?

, q. {  x; L& W7 T; k& b10. What does leadership mean to you? How would you demonstrate it, if elected? $ L) r- P9 H- k+ S, p

# O* ?1 [! ^, u5 f: h8 \3 JLeadership to me means vision, ability, and accountability. I would implement a strong and strategic economic plan to bring Hamilton back from the brink.
/ i  e: G( v! v9 U' A
) }/ r. @! w, @0 e5 q) eRegarding the incumbent, he has done many wonderful jobs for the city. He is a longstanding and respected member of the municipal landscape. However, the fact remains that Hamilton endures an exorbitant unemployment rate. These things require a fresh approach, from someone like me, who is skilled at creating prosperity.
1 m  {1 o* @: b* l
' O7 e9 R; {+ O( @8 ~0 c# ?" I$ E11. Would you be open to a “10 Tough questions” style virtual debate, to be held on The Hamiltonian, with your contenders, including the current councilor if he/she runs?
( J0 W7 Y/ z& g! H, d7 L% A2 \3 D9 I: Y3 z: K- F
Absolutely, I have been waiting for this opportunity to demonstrate my capacity for the past four years.
/ Y% ?/ U+ I# C+ C. J, B
! a6 {. k- u& i2 k& _12. What are the top three things a councilor should always do? What are the top three things a councilor should never do?( d$ @6 P7 I* H* w! ?1 Y

7 y. T! V% l  j: C• Always be accessible to the needs and concerns of the constitutions.4 S3 P" C" U7 T2 J
• Ongoing accountability and transparency with regard to all constituents’ issues1 b% y$ a" }/ g, H7 A
• Make sure that I am apprised of the issues, and that they are adequately researched, so that the time spent discussing them is well spent to respect the constituents.
4 ?8 e0 E8 m2 g3 _% j3 S  a/ z9 A; B7 \& p1 t( y
Never do:2 }) u5 ~8 l5 d. r8 `( l! |8 w
• Never let my passion construed as disrespect.
: a, n& t) V" z" v/ C8 o• Never deter from Robert’s Rules. : y/ G2 q2 H- _# U- X
• Never forget my obligation to constituents is foremost.









Rank: 7Rank: 7Rank: 7

发表于 2010-8-26 17:01 | 显示全部楼层

1 ?7 P$ L! j9 U! D+ w& Q" aRecently, as the dates for voting is approaching, how Chinese Immigrants involve with Canada political life has again became a hot topic in the media!- o5 X1 Q* M0 H, T: f: I2 H: C) P
5 ^6 p9 K" C$ e- h
At personal level, I admire her spirits & courage in her political career!
/ q/ U/ p+ m/ _% {$ TJohnlakeshore
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