本帖最后由 ivyleaf 于 2010-10-2 20:26 编辑 5 r! b- t6 N* t: W; c. A
# O" j( l: }! ^美国名校大学入学申请咨询服务
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美国名校大学入学申请, 一对一的全程专业咨询服服务, 使你的入学申请脱颖而出, 帮助你进入你理想的美国名校大学. 首次咨询免费评估. 详细服务信息,请致电 416-674-7290 或发电子邮件 ivyleafcollegeconsulting@gmail.com IvyLeaf College Consulting One-on-one personalized admission guidance and advices to make your application stand out and maximize your chance of getting into US top universities of your dreams Free initial pro-application consultation and assessment. For more information, please Call: 416-674-7290 Email: ivyleafcollegeconsulting@gmail.com Services: Pre-application Consultation and assessment (Free) - Initial no obligation meeting with the both student and parents to discuss expectations and to clarify needs and priorities.
- Review and evaluation of students academic record, extracurricular activities and personal interests
- In-depth, one-on-one conversations/interviews with student to explore his/her aptitudes, unique skills and talents, interests and passions, values and goals
- In-depth interviews and questionnaire on college preferences of both student and parent and defining values, goals and priorities in university selection and application for admissions.
University Selection and Application Strategies - Research and identification of potential universities with considerations of
) W2 F: }5 ?& \. q' bthe student’s interests, academic record and
# E, c( I: r# @" _" R5 q0 Z% Q: Bfamily’s financial situation. - College major exploration and research
- Recommended list of universities for the student to consider, including “reach”, “target” and “safety” schools” and admission information
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Advice and recommendations on the early application process (Early Decision and Early Action) - Help the student learn about the schools on the list so that he/she is able to narrow the list down to the schools to which he/she will apply
- Advices on high school academic programming, course selection, extracurricular and summer activities and admissions testing
- assessment of chance of admission of college list
- Action plan development and strategies
Application Preparation and Assistance - review of all college applications and detailed timeline for testing, application dates, recommendations etc
- Assist the student in brag sheet/resume development and design and any supplemental materials
- Tips on filling out the applications and make your application stand out
- editing and suggestions for improvement of all college essays
- Assistance in preparing and proofing all applications
- Input on how to get the best letters of recommendation. LOR Timing and follow up
- Help the student develop successful interviewing techniques4 g6 s$ p# G, L+ W, Z) J
and interview coaching - Guidance in financial aid applications process
- Help and tips in financial aid applications
- Analyze the college responses
7 y7 o9 c/ A* X5 e; @# o% kand assistance in contacting admissions staff - Waitlist advising and strategy, if necessary
- Support student in weighing various admission offers and in the decision-making process
Essay Editing (Essay Only) - Brainstorming ideas to develop the “unique” voice”
6 M( J6 f z6 u0 E! k# }' Yand topic selection - Assistance in drafting and polishing personal statements and essays
- editing and suggestions for improvement of all college essays
Financial Aid and Scholarship - Overview of financial aid and college funding process — programs, methodology,
- Merit-based scholarship opportunities' B" R+ S# ~3 I. |
and applications
5 u; b7 C% g5 ~. _9 `5 p - Need-based financial aid application comparisons and applications.
- Advices and tips on filing need-based financial aid applications
- Estimation of need-based financial aid package and determine which institutions may give the most aid to the student based on family’s financial situation.
- Strategies of financial aid application with considerations of family’s financial situation and the student’s circumstances.
- Assistance in filing financial aid application forms and offer advice on financial planning and support
Standard Test Preparation - testing recommendations and guidance, including timeline of testing, preparation, etc. (ACT, SAT I, SAT II, AP, TOEFL)
- Tutor referral for course work & standardized tests
School Visit Help - Assist the family in planning college visits
- Visitation tips and guidance on how to get the most from campus visits
- Ratings sheets
Early Bird Comprehensive Package (Grad.9/10 Student) - Academic and personal background assessment
- Developing and refining the Student Portfolio and high school plan
- Discuss circumstances and/or personal issues, which have affected student’s performance
- Advices and recommendations on high school academic programming, course selection, extracurricular, summer activities and admissions testing
- testing recommendations, including timeline of testing, preparation, etc. (ACT, SAT I, SAT II, AP)
- Full consulting services and guidance on US university admission processes
We offer hourly consultation services to provide you with viable information and advise you about the college search/selection and application processes.
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We also will work with you to develop a comprehensive package that is right for you. We will customize packages for your individual needs and to fit any budget.
Please contact us Phone: 416-674-7290 Email: ivyleafcollegeconsulting@gmail.com